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10 ways to make Youtube's algorithm work for you in 2022

. 5 min read . Written by Vanshika Goenka
10 ways to make Youtube's algorithm work for you in 2022

If uploading videos on YouTube is a crucial part of your job, and you want to monetise your passion for video content on this platform, then you have to make the algorithm your BFF.

But wait, what is an algorithm and what does YouTube have to do with it?

The YouTube algorithm is designed to help viewers find videos they want to watch and maximize long-term viewer satisfaction.

Now, how do your viewers or subscribers find YOUR videos? How do you appear on YouTube’s homepage and people’s recommendations page? By conquering YouTube’s algorithm.

PowerPass’s course on ‘Grow your YouTube Subscribers’ will teach you how to optimise your YT channel’s content, make your algorithm better, and get subscribers on your channel, among other resourceful content.

For now, here are ways to make YouTube’s algorithm work for you in 2022!

Table of Contents:

  1. How to keep your videos in the spotlight
  2. 10 ways to make YouTube’s algorithm work for you in 2022

How to keep your YouTube videos in the spotlight

Ranking well on YouTube can still seem like an impossible task. It’s hard to figure out where to start or how long it will take to see results. But our tips to conquer the Algorithm will eventually help you rank well and keep them subscribers coming.

10 ways to make YouTube’s algorithm work for you in 2022

When your favourite YouTuber uploaded their content on the channel and got 2 million views and 50,000 subscribers, did you think it was a cakewalk for them? It took a vicious strategy to hold the algorithm captive and think of ways to make it work in their favour.

And now, we’re sharing the same, expert-led ways with you, so that you can make your video-led content work on YouTube, and get discovered by your audience while you’re at it. Read on:

Start with improving your keyword research

Keywords are any terms that appear in the titles, descriptions, or transcripts of videos. Keyword research is a given for any online content marketing strategy. On YouTube, it helps the platform identify which videos are most aligned with a user’s interests.

For example, ‘diet’ is a keyword. And ‘Best weight loss diet for 2022’ is a keyword phrase. Phrases offer more targeted clicks than broader terms, helping more of the right people find and watch your stuff.

How do you identify the right keywords?

  • YouTube’s search bar

Head to YouTube’s search bar and enter a term you’re interested in. YouTube will present a list of terms that people are searching for, by using its autocomplete feature. These terms are all related to your primary keyword, and can also be used as ideas for future videos.

  • View page source

On your computer, load a video that’s using a term or terms you’re interested in ranking for. Next, right-click on the page and click on view source. This will show the HTML code of the YouTube page. On a Windows computer, use the Control + F keys, or the Command + F keys on a Mac. Enter the word ‘keywords’ and hit the enter key. You’ll see all the terms a video is using to rank on YouTube.

Optimise video titles

The most effective video titles contain four key elements.

  • Urgency
  • Usefulness
  • Uniqueness
  • Ultra specific

  • Urgency
    FOMO is real, and when you stress the importance of action right now viewers will want to take action RIGHT NOW.
  • Usefulness
    What’s in the video for your audience? What value will they receive by choosing to watch your video? When you create titles that communicate clear value, they set off light bulbs in the minds of your viewers.
  • Unique
    To produce unique titles, think about your personal approach and what makes your brand special. You could carve out a niche that’s all about creating videos on how to apply makeup in under 3 minutes. All you need do is highlight that uniqueness in your title.
  • Ultra-specific
    Specificity is a powerful tool for addressing your audience’s needs. It helps people zero in on the results they are after. Seeing a video with a specific title that speaks to a viewer is more likely to get the click. You can incorporate specificity by mentioning details, and preferably topics covered in your videos.

Create compelling descriptions

YouTube video descriptions are write-ups about the content of your videos. They include key information that helps viewers understand what your videos are about, making it easier for them to choose whether to watch your videos.

Start with roleplaying as your audience and ask yourself- ‘what’s in it for me?’ If you were looking for a video on a specific topic and chose to read a description, what would you want to know about the video?

Transcribe your videos

When you transcribe a video, all words spoken are converted into text. YouTube has long been rumoured to be able to use audio as a means for assigning rankings. In fact, whenever you upload a video, YouTube has an auto-transcribe feature.

Why should you create a transcript or subtitles for your videos? First, it makes the YouTube experience more accessible for the auditory impaired. Secondly, research has shown that as much as 69% of people watch videos without sound. This means that not including polished closed captions could make your videos less than desirable, and you could lose more viewers over time.

Create custom thumbnails

Custom thumbnails offer a more unique experience for your audience and they are easy to create. But don’t just screenshot any part of your video and slap some text on an image.

Here are ways to create custom thumbnails:

  • Capture an action-driven still image from your video
  • Use a human face expressing emotion
  • Pique curiosity with facial expressions
  • Add colour contrast on the thumbnail
  • Brand your videos with a logo

Include calls to action

Calls to action or CTAs are a basic but often overlooked component for all forms of content. They help generate results by getting viewers to take action. Call to action is inserted at the end of your videos and can be used in different ways.

For example, if you’re trying to grow your channel, you need more subscribers and video views. At the end of each video, ask people to like, share, and subscribe.

Promote, promote, promote

Promotion isn’t a practice many YouTubers subscribe to, and regrettably, it’s also a reason why much of their work goes unnoticed. Promotion is vital. When you think about your creation cycle and how much effort you put into producing a video, wouldn’t you want to give your hard work the best chance at reaching the widest possible audience?

Getting more eyes to your videos is a matter of sharing them with as many people as possible.

Here are 3 ways to promote your work:

  • Cross-pollinate on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp)
  • Email subscribers
  • Add videos to your website

Engage your audience

YouTube is a publishing platform. When people tune into your videos, you replace television or any other competing form of entertainment or edutainment. And as a brand and business, you have to think about longevity. For your channel to thrive, you have to embrace your audience. You must engage them.

Engaging your audience establishes a personal connection between them and you. Here are 3 quick tips on how to make it easy to manage engagement:

  • Keep checking your comments section
    Dedicate time over the first three days after a new video is published to go through comments. After that, check comments once every 2 to 3 days.
  • Answer all questions
    Be sure to reply to all questions
  • Always keep it positive
    Trolls and haters are everywhere, but when they show up, don’t let them ruin your mood. A smart way to deal with online hate is to expect it.

It is possible to create a wildly successful brand on YouTube as a content creator, so don’t shy away from bringing these 8 tips and tricks to life. Conquer your YouTube channel’s algorithm today!