instagram stories question sticker for business / how to use new instagram stories question sticker for business

7 ways to use the new Instagram Stories question sticker for your business

. 4 min read . Written by Vanshika Goenka
7 ways to use the new Instagram Stories question sticker for your business

Engaging with your community on Instagram has never been easier thanks to the Instagram Stories question sticker. It’s a great way to connect with your audience and get that engagement rate up if you are a business.

How to add the Instagram Stories Question Sticker to your Instagram Stories

After you have uploaded a photo or video to your Instagram Stories, tap the sticker button. Select the new question sticker and type out your prompt. For example, you could write, ‘Going for a seaside holiday? Ask me anything!’

After writing your prompt, place it where you would like to and share it to your story.

Here are 7 fun ways to use the new Instagram Stories Question Sticker for your business.

1. Host a Q&A

Use the new Instagram Stories question sticker by running a Q&A on your Instagram Story so that your audience is coaxed to interact with your Instagram story. After you select a relevant topic, think about the particular time when you want to host your Q&A or consider if you want to keep it open throughout the day.

Also, let your audience know the time when you will be answering the questions so that they can check back for your answers. Do keep in mind that your Q&A should resonate with your brand and business objectives.

2. Host a takeover

Use the Instagram Stories Question Sticker to enlighten your followers about your company’s products by hosting a takeover. Hosting an Instagram Stories takeover can help in brand building and organically reach new followers on Instagram.

What a takeover basically means is a person or a brand temporarily ‘taking over’ your Instagram account to give followers a peek into your products or brand from a brand new perspective.

3. Ask followers for feedback

The Instagram Stories question sticker can be used to ask followers for feedback. It’s a great tool to crowdsource ideas, collect testimonials, or find out what type of content is preferred by your audience.

4. Collect FAQs

Collect Frequently Asked Questions with the help of Instagram Stories Question Stickers. Many brands and influencers are doing this to save on business time as well as to answer questions that are always popping up in their inboxes. Not only are you giving your existing customers a chance to ask questions, but also building brand awareness about your product or service.

FAQs also serve as great content for Instagram Stories Highlights! It makes it easy for brands to share product information, shipping information, return & exchange policies, or anything that may be relevant to customer knowledge.

5. Begin a conversation with your followers

The Instagram Stories question sticker helps to engage in meaningful conversation with your followers. They are encouraged to talk and interact more about your product. By speaking to them, discover their likes and dislikes, ask them for advice, and speak to them about anything that is relevant to your business.

This displays your humane side to your customers as well and the fact that you are approachable. It will only do wonders for your brand by building a personal connection with your followers.

6. Display your expertise

Are you a makeup artist? Specialised in fashion sesigning? Everybody loves an expert! Display your expertise to your followers by talking about your business with your followers. Give them free tips and advice that they will appreciate. The more you do so, the more they shall reciprocate, engage and follow.

7. Run an Instagram Stories contest

Use the questions sticker to host your very own Instagram Stories contest and engage with your followers in a fun way. Create a sense of excitement around your brand and increase follower engagement on your Instagram stories. Define the rules of the contest clearly, post your question sticker, and wait for the avalanche of answers to come rolling in. After the contest finishes, share the correct answer and tag the winners on your stories!

It’s a good idea to promote the contest before it begins on your Instagram feed. You can do this by sharing the date and time when your contest will go live. You can also ask people to tag friends on your post before the contest actually begins. This will help you grab more eyeballs and increase your follower count.

Instagram Stories continues to come up with new features like a magician conjuring rabbits out of a hat! These features enhance the personality of a brand or service rather effectively. The new Instagram Stories Question Sticker is a revolutionary feature. Armed with the 7 simple tricks mentioned above and a little bit of creativity, you are sure to impress your followers as well as increase your follower count.


  1. What is the new sticker on Instagram?
    Instagram’s new “Add Yours” sticker creates public threads in Stories. The new feature essentially allows users to respond to other users' Stories with their own following a prompt or a certain topic.
  2. How do I get Instagram stickers for my business?
    To use Instagram's new sticker, open the Stories camera, and snap a photo or video like you normally do. Then, open the stickers tray and select the Support Small Business sticker. Then, type the name of the small business you want to support. You can tap the sticker for more options and styles.
  3. How do you answer questions on Instagram stories?
    To answer a question, tap it and select one of these options from the pop-up menu:
    Share Response: This will take you to the Story editor screen, where the user's response will appear without their username or photo.
    Send Message: This will open a DM chat with the user, where you can chat with them privately.