Being a working mother is not necessarily bad for your children

Becoming a mother can be one of life’s most rewarding experiences. Holding that little bundle of joy for the first time can turn your world around. While you want to give your child all the time and love there is, life may come in its way. If you are a working mother, chances are you may have to fight with the decision of being home or continuing your career. There is a high chance of mom guilt or separation anxiety to engulf you, but quitting your job is not always the correct answer to combat it. We will tell you how striking a balance between the two is a better choice than giving up on either.

Life is about the choices we make. You could be a stay-at-home mum or a working mother, there is no right or wrong decision here, what matters is what makes you happy not what makes you feel guilty.

Expectations versus reality

Society has conditioned our minds that women need to be there completely for their children to raise them well. A working woman cannot dedicate that time and effort and hence their children are likely to grow spoilt or unruly. Unfortunately, this pigeonhole opinion can bog a working mother down and you may make an emotional decision of quitting your job. Trust us, you CAN be involved in raising your child at the same time you are trying to climb upward in your career trajectory.

If your work makes you happy, don’t quit it. Just make sure your after hours from work are sincerely dedicated to your kids. Have fun with them, get involved and enjoy them.

Mundanity is no good

Think this through. As a stay-at-home mum, your world will revolve around changing diapers, playtime, nap-time and the miscellaneous household chores. It involves a rerun of tasks without much gratitude,  are you ready for it? As a working woman, you will have the luxury of a hot cup of coffee or a walk in the evening or even a bit of a chat with a colleague between work hours. Stimulating conversations with others can help you develop your personality in the right direction which subsequently can make you inject it positively in your family time.

Money matters

There is no denying the fact that in today’s world being financially independent is a great way to stay empowered. To give your child a better life, crunching the numbers is not the way to go. If your partner is earning well and staying at home is your choice then you might as well enjoy it to the fullest but if your take-home salary is making a difference to your family’s financial independence, then quitting your job is a risk.

The future

Giving up on your job, even temporarily, can take you off from your field in the future. To stay on top of your game and to know your domain you need to be in it. If you plan to work in future, it might not be as easy to start all over again. Don’t let your hard earned career stall, women are great at multi-tasking, you can find equilibrium if you only make your mind for it.

Life is about the choices we make. You could be a stay-at-home mum or a working mother, there is no right or wrong decision here, what matters is what makes you happy not what makes you feel guilty.

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