How to create an influencer media kit

Are you serious about building a career on social media? Well, if you are, you most certainly need to have an impressive influencer media kit. Sharing the influencer media kit with the brands and businesses you want to work with is the idea.

This is the only way you can project to the brands how good and serious you are in what you do. The objective should be to form a strategic association with these brands that is mutually favourable. You must also show what you can bring to the table as an offering to these brands online.

What’s an Influencer Media Kit and why is it needed?

Are you a blogger, vlogger, videographer or photographer who wants to make a mark as an influencer on Instagram? For starters, you’d want to have and share a single document that showcases all the work you have done over the years.

It is normal for brands to ask for a media kit if they want to work with a particular influencer. Hence, as an influencer, it is imperative that you have your media kit ready. Otherwise, it could seriously impact your chances to get into strategic big brand alliances and generate revenue.

Keep in mind that you do not require to have hundreds of thousands of people following you to become an influencer on Instagram. The in-thing on Instagram is brand collaborations with micro or nano-influencers. So, if you are an influencer boasting of an audience that’s niche yet engaged, you might be thinking - Why do I need a media kit?

The reason you’re wrong is because you’ll still find a media kit beneficial to tie up with brands looking at the new global influencer marketing trends.

Contents of an Influencer Media Kit

1. Your bio

Your bio will be the first thing brands or businesses are going to scan as soon as your media kit reaches them. So, ensure that your bio is a pure reflection of both you and your brand. In your bio copy, communicate your style and personal tone. Make sure it’s an adequate reflection of your personality, interests, and passion! Your bio should strike a fine balance between a positive introduction and a business pitch. So, give careful thought and proper time to create your bio.

You might put your headshot or photo in your bio so your reader has a face to read. Don’t forget to put your email and social handles on your media kit. You’ll be amazed to learn how many people miss out on that.

2. Social stats

Your social stats refer to your current social media followers and figures. It’s important to be honest about facts and figures. One thing to remember is that while your follower count is important, it’s your Instagram engagement rate that brands will be more interested in. So, ensure that you have that on your social stats.

3. Audience demographics

Mentioning your audience demographics in your media kit is essential for brands to conclude if their target audience matches the same. Brands look at the geographic distribution of the audience to ascertain where they are located, the average age of your audience, gender, language, income, etc. to check if your audience resonates with their brand.

4. Your website/blog

If you have a blog, you can put the blog stats into your media kit. This includes readership, page views, blog posts that were a hit with your audience, etc.

5. Previous partnerships and testimonials

If you have tied up with brands before on social media, that’s definitely mentionable on your media kit. Testimonials should also find a place there to increase your brand credibility.

Designing an Influencer Media Kit

Your media kit should be an extension of your website/blog. So use the same style, tone, fonts, and colour palette. Also, use the best photography and imagery. It shouldn’t look cluttered even if you have a lot of info to share. A media kit should be clean and easy to read, even if it means adding an extra page. Keep the content crisp and to the point. Let the small paragraphs, images, and stats do most of the talking!

Once you are satisfied with the finished product, export it as a PDF to make it easily sharable. You can also embed it into your website!

Remember that your influencer media kit is your resume, portfolio, and business card all rolled into one single document. So, it could make all the difference as it will also mention your career achievements and where you’d like to see yourself as a successful influencer. It should be reflective of your social growth, status, and your personal brand and style.


  1. What is an Instagram media kit?
    An Instagram media kit is a resume and business card for your Instagram account. When brands reach out to an Instagram influencer to work with them, they ask for a media kit to understand if they are the right fit for their brand.
  2. What is a media kit for an influencer’s template?
    A media kit is your resume as an influencer. It’s a short presentation influencers show to brands with the aim of getting hired. It's the same as applying for a regular job, except that you are pitching to collaborate with a brand.
  3. How do I create a content creator media Kit?
    Your content creator media kit should have the following:
  • Your bio or 'About you' section.
  • Your stats and the platforms you are present on.
  • Target demographics.
  • Service offering.
  • Testimonials from brands you've worked with.
  • Your rate card.
  • Your portfolio.

4. How many pages should a media kit be?

It can range from 1-2 pages to 3+ pages, depending on how long you've been blogging for and how established your brand is.

5. What is the difference between a press kit and a media kit?

A media kit is a general overview of your brand, while a press kit is the information needed for immediate coverage of an event.